Asbestos Should Only be Removed by an Experienced Professional
Even today, there are residential homes that contain residual asbestos. At the time of installation, the asbestos material may have been used for thermal insulation, or often as a flame retardant. But today, asbestos materials are banned, and in most cases, complete removal is required. This is work that should be left to an experienced professional – one who can accurately identify an asbestos deposit, and who is qualified to handle the removal. Asbestos removal is not a weekend do-it-yourself project – it’s work that requires the appropriate tools, equipment and expertise.
For health and safety reasons, asbestos removal is governed by explicit provincial legislation and industry regulation. Needless to say, the emphasis is on preventing the dangers and hazards of improper removal. In fact, the same dangers arise with a small project like eliminating attic insulation, as they do with a major remediation in a commercial building. Asbestos removal, on any scale, is all about the experience and expertise of expediting the job properly. Clearly, this is not a DIY project, where an average homeowner can get equipment and advice at a home centre.
Asbestos removal specialists are focused on safety, whether the removal is in a residential home or in a commercial building. Onsite personnel are highly trained, with a thorough understanding of health and safety issues, and with a focus on the safety and security of the occupants and/or residents. There is no question that asbestos materials and airborne fibres are dangerous. The installed asbestos environment, even with a low level of human exposure, can be hazardous, and with dire consequences. There is no reason for the uninitiated to undertake this type of work.
From a professional view, three levels of risk have been identified when removing asbestos. The low-risk level requires a minimum of protection for personnel. The moderate-risk level requires more complete protection. And the high-risk level requires the maximum protection. Whatever the situation, asbestos handling and removal must be left in the hands of a trusted remediation contractor - certified technical personnel, with the right equipment and the latest technology. The cleanup must be thoroughly comprehensive, and guaranteed. This is not the time to cut corners.
A reputable asbestos removal contractor will also supply an Asbestos Air Quality Test (usually provided by an objective third party). This will serve as an added assurance that everything has been removed, and the finished space is safe and clean. For the homeowner with a tight budget, the idea of a DIY effort might be attractive, but it’s fraught with hazard. By any measure, asbestos is dangerous, and asbestos removal is a hazardous undertaking. There’s absolutely no reason to take a chance with personal safety, or with the health and wellbeing of occupants or residents.
Even with very small deposits of asbestos, homeowner removal should be highly discouraged. It’s simply not safe, and still quite risky. From identification, to removal, to disposal, the only way to handle asbestos is the professional way.
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